The MOM gig is a hard job, you are on duty 24/7 and you are juggling many responsibilities in order to care for your family.  We tend to put ourselves last, when in fact we should be taking much better care of ourselves in order to give our best to all our people.

We need to start filling our cups first, having hobbies we love, passions, things that get us excited about the day.  We need to stop neglecting the woman behind the mom, we need to celebrate her with time and love, and create OUR balance.

If you are ready to move from a place of SURVIVAL to a place where you are THRIVING, and EXCITED to wake up each morning, this course is for you!

  • Struggling when it comes to making time for YOU
  • Lost in a place where you don't have dreams and passions
  • Putting everyone and everything before yourself
  • Stuck in a circle of bad habits and no structure
  • Wanting to be a part of a community of motivated moms                                             

I was the mom who wished I had time to do things just for myself, I dreamed of the day I could enjoy quiet time in the morning, with a hot coffee, I counted down the minutes to bedtime so I could have some ME time.  I never did feel satisfied with that little bit of time at the end of the day, I was just too tired, I was running on adrenaline, I was burning out, lacking satisfaction and probably on a path of adrenal fatigue.

I knew I couldn't keep saying  "this is only a stage, the kids will grow up"  that wasn't fair to anyone in the equation, it was TIME for CHANGE.  I decided to purposely start getting up before the kids and putting myself first, filling my cup before anyone elses, that's how the 5am Club was born.


  • Tackling your mindset
  • Redefining yourself, finding your passions and discovering your interests
  • Create a morning routine that will put YOU first
  • Create a night routine that will implement some basic self care and allow you to rock your early mornings 
  • Consistent support in an online private group setting
  • Life time access to the lessons and resources provided

21 Days To Mastering The 5am Club is going to support you through some major shifts in how you approach the day, we will be digging into who you are and what you really want in your life.  Each week starts with MINDSET and ends with REFLECTION, this is important when doing anything new, you need to be in the right space to make change but also be open to asses how it went so you can make any tweaks or changes to your plan.  

I've broke this course into 3 weeks that look like this!

Week 1:  We are looking at our morning routine and moulding it so we can fill our cups first before anyone is up, this will allow us to really feel satisfied on a daily basis.  No more taking care of our needs at the end of the day!

Week 2:  Time to craft that evening routine that is crucial for us to feel rested and ready for that 5am alarm, we are also going to talk about the importance of Self Care in here.

Week 3:   We are pulling it all together, you will feel ready to thrive at this new routine, I will be supporting you daily in our private facebook group, cheering you on, holding you accountable to that 5am alarm.  This is it ladies, you will have that solid foundation to dream, plan and take care of yourselves daily.  You will feel a new excitement for the day, your future.

I'm so excited to be able to walk you through the journey to 5am Club that changed my life so many years ago.  I started this because of a need for taking care of myself, realizing my parenting role wasn't a sprint but a marathon that I best start training for if I was going to succeed, it's turned out to be such an area of passion and joy, a true life saver in my life.  This truly can be the change in your life you needed to help you succeed in the marathon of parenthood.  We are in it for the long run, so we need to enjoy it all and stop depriving ourselves of the daily joys of taking care of ourselves, stop feeling guilt for wanting more outside of parenting, stop feeling guilt for wanting more.

Incase you need to hear it, YOU deserve to put yourself FIRST!