How I Approach Our Health

We only have one life, we must make the best of it and do things that fuel our minds.  Our health isn't only dependent on what we put in and on our bodies but also the joy and happiness we make happen in our lives.

I'm I mom who wanted more choices for myself and my family.  I grew up where we were eating well, living an active lifestyle and indulging in hobbies and passions.  In return we reaped the rewards of good health, I continue to practise these to this day.  I'm a strong believer in the concept of food is life, but food isn't what it use to be so we need to have other things to help support our bodies.  I avidly talk about supplementing our diets with good quality supplements and have natural remedies on hand for supporting all those day to day things that can creep up.  Everything from sore muscles, headaches, upset bellies, coughs, colds, sleep and emotional struggles.  

I remember when I first became a mom, I started looking for more options than what I found in the pharmacy isles of the grocery store.  T
hat's where essential oils came into my life, I wanted natural alternatives for everyday problems, I wanted to not have to rely on anyone else for the minor everyday bumps in the road regarding our health.  I strongly believe in supporting our bodies before a problem arises not just waiting till you don't feel well, proactive healthcare at it's best.

Gut Health

I have always had a good gut, I'm passionate about gut health, I've educated myself and love inspiring others to take care of theirs.  I feel it paid off, I very rarely get sick, I sleep great and I feel my mind is solid even in the most challenging times.

Then the summer of 2024 came.  I have never had this much GI distress in my LIFE!  it's awful and very prolonged, it's like my body has been shouting at me for 3 months and I'm not listening so it shouts louder.  Ok I'm listening now!

I hadn't been taking my supplements because "oh I feel great" , it was such a busy summer driving taxi for the entire family, every direction, multiple times a day, My diet defiantly was lacking. I had a chicken dilemma where I had to use some heavy duty chemicals multiple times over many months, oh and I'm 42 lol.  

Looking back it's pretty clear the tipping point was probably the Ivermectin and heavy duty coop spray I had to use multiple times this spring/summer.  Knowing what I know and having used lots of really great supplements over the years I know what I need to do.  I just have to buckle down, commit to consistency and do it!  Sometimes we need reminders that come in the way of health struggles to get us back on track,  I'm a firm believer it's never to late to start, just get at it! 

If you think you might be struggling with Gut issues check out the 30 Day Gut Reset I'm committing to.  I'm determined to heal my gut and get back on track.  I'm promising myself I'm not going to let my gut ever get like this again.  I feel like I’ve lost months of my life working around my gut distress.

Essential Oils

This is where taking  your health into your own hands started for me.  I have always used natural remedies for coughs and colds but I was limited to that, I didn't know any other way to support my body when it came to headaches, upset bellies, sleep or even stress, then I was introduced to essential oils.

Know Where Your Oils Come From

I started off with generic cheap oils, I didn't know any better.  I quickly learnt that not oils are made the same very similar to the way we approach food.  I buy from local farmers and farmers markets as much as I can, I want products that I know how they are grown, where they are grown, I want to see the farmers face.  Well Young Living Oils are just this, they own many of their farms, employ locals to the area, and take great steps to do this right, Check out this video!