Balance is a never ending journey for me, some weeks I feel I have it all figured out, others I'm and all or nothing girl.  This week I'm struggling with balance, I have a project with a deadline and I feel the need to just put all my time into it.  It's a creative project so it is completely my jam but I'm letting so many other things drop, so today I stop, pause, reorganize myself, get tough with myself and install balance back in my life.

I know I'm not the only one that has a constant struggle with balance right?  Being aware of your struggle is huge, you are then aware of your weak spots and it is so much easier to move ahead in the right direction. Balance makes life flow so much better, you are less hard on yourself because you feel like you are contributing in all the areas that are important to you. You are much more likely to be less stressed and feel more motivated for everyday things. Let's take a look at 5 things that you need to recognize so you can achieve balance.

1. Define balance for yourself, your balance is not going to look like my balance, so spell it out folks.  Make a list of the important things you want to regularly include in your life that will keep you excited, healthy, fulfilled and happy, this is your foundation.
2. Practising self discipline, oh this is a biggie, we can know where we want to be but unless we stick to the plan and hold ourselves to the things we need to do, we will be off track in no time. This can lead to procrastinate, overthink things and then in the end nothing happens, we haven't moved forward, we are still struggling.  I have been guilty of this more than once, you get excited for the plan and a few weeks in the wind comes out of your sails.  Good news you can always gather yourself and start again with a stronger motivation and more self discipline.
3.  You aren't being consistent with your actions.  Again this is huge, you have to take the steps each day that will get you where you want to be.  Wanting and doing are different, you can't want your way to success, you must put in the work, consistently every single day.
4. You don't plan ahead.  Once you have your game plan you have to have it wrote down, you need a map to follow to any destination.  So with balance you most likely need to schedule things in that you want to do, flying by the seat of your pants here is too risky and is not going to help you get where you want to be.
5. You aren't taking proper care of yourself.  Self Care!  Giving yourself permission to rest, exercise, finding something that fuels your soul. You need to be consistently making time for yourself to do these things, guilt free.  

I started thinking about all these areas and where my weak spots are and my lightbulb went off.  I have all the tools I need, I'm just not utilizing them efficiently.



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