Pretty intense title I know!  But it has also been a focus for me and so many of my mom friends over the last MANY MANY years.  As you start to come out of the blur of early motherhood days you start to really think about it, ok,  now how do I want my life to look now that I have kids.  You may decide you want it to look completely different now that you are raising a family, you may use this new motherhood journey as a stepping stone into something you never had time for, so many things can trigger that urge to reinvent yourself or figure out what are you here to do, and how you want it to look moving forward.

I talk about how important hobbies are in a moms life,  I do that for many reasons, we need creative escapes from life challenges, we need things we enjoy and feel passionate about, but hobbies also allow us to dabble in different fun areas we enjoy and open our eyes to areas that might be something more, like a business, or a side job.  I'm a firm believer in that only having one income is extremely risky, 2 incomes is well, I little better but still not ideal, and 3 or more incomes is where you start to thrive and head towards financial security, it's so easy for life to pull the rug right from under you at any time, and as moms we need to be looking ahead and setting our families up for success no matter what challenges come our way.

I remember the days when all I could think of is when is that next feeding, will I catch a nap today.  It's hard but it does get better and then new big kid challenges arise, there will always be challenges but as we get in the groove, we can start to look past those and start to focus on us more.  Even though my kids were a little older I still struggled with the ME time.  I was taking care of kids from sunrise to sunset 7 days a week, I found it impossible to find ME time.  That's when I decided to get up before the kids and take that time to really figure out what I wanted in life.  Could the hobbies I loved make me money, were there things I wanted to do in my day that would contribute to my overall vision of what I wanted in life, heck at times I needed to just figure out what I wanted life to look like.  There were many time in my life I was just sailing along no plan, vision or goal, I had no idea what I wanted life to look like, I was stuck in 24/7 Mom life, blinders on; get up, feed kids, play, run errands, do routine, get everyone to bed, clean, sleep, do it all again tomorrow.

We need excitement about getting up and doing life, we need excitement about projects you are going to tackle that will bring you joy,  we need activities to call our own, you have to add some creativity in your life, your brain and soul will love you for that!  We as moms need soooo much and I think we are very often depriving ourselves of that.  Something as simple as picking up a craft can do so much for your mental state and your happiness, it can fulfill you more than you know,  try it!

I get that this all seems impossible when you have to take care of everyone and everything, that is my life as well.  That is why flipping your life around and getting up before everyone and taking care of yourself can be such a golden opportunity for all the things I just talked about.  After you get that routine developed you will feel excited about getting up early and starting your day.  Trust me!  This time you can use for your wildest dreams, you can truly start to find yourself if that's what you need to do.   If you are ready to switch up what's not working, for some serious YOU time and finding yourself,  head over to my facebook group Happy & Thriving Moms  or if you're ready to jump in with 2 feet, head over to my website where I have created a 21 day course to walk you through getting up before the kids and rocking your life

It's ok to feel stuck, what sets you apart is taking steps to get out of that stuck spot and start thriving.  Moms are amazing and I want you to also feel amazing in your life,  it all starts with how you are taking care of yourself, you can fill everyone else's cup if you don't fill yours first.



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