We all want our homes to smell good right?  Rewind 6-7 years ago the only thing I knew to make my home smell better was the huge selection of scented candles and plug ins.  There is a saying "when you know better you do better"  That rings so true for me.  When I first started this journey to a safer toxic free home, I read a lot, did my research and got educated.  The biggest takeaway through all the information I gathered, was to avoid the word "fragrance/perfume".  The fact that this wording is a loophole for companies to hide ingredients under that they don't want to disclose, under the reasoning  they could compromise their trade mark smell, this is terrifying to me, what else are they hiding under there?

So from that day forward I carefully read all labels and decided not to use products that contained fragrance or perfume.  This instantly knocks so many products from your shelves, tables, beauty counters, bathrooms, it's quite eye opening.  So candles and plug ins were definitely off the list!  But now what?  I want my house to smell good, I want to satisfy my sense of smell, there has to be options.  Luckily I had a friend that introduced me to what a diffuser was and the grades of essential oils out there, I had no idea they aren't all the same and I would have to make some decisions on quality and sourcing.  

I very quickly discovered how much better this diffuser was vs a candle.  No fire hazard, no nasty fake smells, no wax to deal with, no having to read ingredient lists to weed out the good from the bad.  Pure therapeutic essential oils are straight forward and have amazing benefits.  I started out  just wanting my house to smell good and I ended up learning that I could use them in the diffuser for things like sleep, stress, mood improvement, concentration, creativeness, anxiousness.  A diffuser can be so much more that just a nice smell.  I am so grateful for this journey with essential oils, it really has allowed me to take my health into my own hands and create a home that is full of simple products that only complement our bodies not make them work harder.

There aren't many people who enter my home who don't instantly say oh what is that smell it smells so good!  How great is that!


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