It can be hard to reflect if you're not in a good place or if your not in a spot you are happy with.  I encourage you to sit and reflect on your life often.  How can we move forward in a direction we want if we don't know where we are.  In business we are taught to asses and pivot as needed, that's how you keep a business thriving, it's no different with life we are always pivoting and changing direction.  It can be so easy to get stuck in this idea of a path we have for our life and when obstacles, tragedy, emergencies, heck like throws us something we think that that plan we had, that idea of what we wanted for life is gone, and we can get stuck.  I don't want you to be stuck, I was stuck, it sucks!  We need to roll with life and pivot as needed, be flexible and go for that idea of life we always wanted.  The path will look different but the picture can still be there.

For me it was having a daughter with special needs, disabilities, an unknown future.  It definitely wasn't in my plans.  I thought I was going to raise my kids, have a career, watch my kids thrive, grow and go off and succeed in their lives.  Not the case with my second child, she will always be my dependent, be with me and be cared for by me.  That's heavy and sad at times, but I've realized I don't have to let that keep me stuck, my path to my dreams is going to have to pivot and look a little different but I'm going to get there.  Part of this path is helping other parents who are stuck move forward.  It's time to stop wasting our time in a place we aren't happy with and move to a spot we are happy and thriving, a spot we feel we have a purpose and helping others, the world will be a better place if we all start to look for ways we can help people with the skills, and lessons we have acquired.  

I encourage you to reflect often on where you are in life and if you're not happy do something,  don't settle, do something to move yourself forward in a  direction that gets you closer to what you always dreamed of, anyone can do it, it's about taking those first steps which I know can be the hardest.  Much Love.


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