You will hear a lot of successful people both in business and in life say it's all about surrounding yourself with the right people.  I can definitely see the angle they are coming from, the people y0u are surrounding yourself with or gaining input from can shape the path you are on both positively or negatively, so are you hanging with the right crew?

In my personal experience there are a few types of people I gravitate towards and others I try to shy from.  I think being conscious of where you are and where you want to be has a huge impact on these choices and how you surround yourself for success.

Here are the people that I have found to be so priceless for any journey I take in life.

1. the dreamer!  Oh the dreamer, this is me hahaha, I am to the core a dreamer of the greatest visions, no hesitations, full commitment, no limitations, you can do it as long as you have a plan.  These people are your biggest cheerleaders, they will help you let loose to achieve your wildest visions in life and help you discover your life passions.  Who doesn't want someone in their corner like this?  And as a dreamer I love to have other dreamers to help me nail down the projects, visions and goals I have in life, it truly is a magical meet up when you can do this with someone you enjoy.

2. the encourager!  Someone who is unbiased and only wants the best for you regardless if they see your dream or not, they are there to encourage you on.  This is golden and sometimes exactly what you need, they can help you figure things out, talk things through with an insight that can be so helpful because they aren't necessarily blinded by the dream.

3.  the do'er!  This is your muscle, they love to help and get things done.  They will probably share in a passion you have and they love to help you get a vision to come to life.  These folks don't sit around twiddling their fingers they are eager to get in and get things done to get you closer to your goal.

4.  the seasoned!  This is who you learn from.  These folks will have already walked the walk many time over and are more than happy to help you avoid and pitfalls they have stumbled in along the way.  They will be someone you strive to be, so make sure they are doing the thing you want to do in a way you strive to do it.

ok this is your crew of victory now we need to look at who you should consider shying away fr0m.

1. the bubble burster!  Not to be confused with the logical thinker who is someone who is only bringing up potential road blocks to get you to start thinking ahead.  A bubble burster usually has some ill intent that stems around them not succeeding in life, and wishing they had.  You will notice these people are more focused on themselves and usually they point out the hurtles in you vision but without a solution, or even an offer to help you find one.

2. the limiter!  These folks are limited by their own selves, they are not eager to move forward and excel they try and push limitations on you so be carful.  They can be hard to spot at first but once you do, oh you know.  You will notice they may have big dreams but something always gets in the way and they refrain from personal growth to push past the hard times.

3.  debbie downers!   Oh poor me, usually everything revolves around why they can't do something or how the world is against them, they are draining.  They will suck the life out of you if you're not carful.  They will always see the worst in things and not the silver lining.  You need to seriously question if this is worth your time!

Now it's time to align your crew!  I hope you have lots from the first list that you can be so grateful for and tell them how happy you are to have them in your life!  If you don't start positioning yourself in life so you attract these people.  Are you helping others, supporting them in their dreams and visions?  You need to be in order for these people to enter your life, we attract what we put out, so start being the best version of you, personal development should be on everyones agenda.

Cheers!  Ebony


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