We have officially stepped into the last month of the year, how is that possible? eeeeek!  What a great time to asses how you are ending your year, I see it in 2 ways, you are coasting through the last month or you are really looking to start January running by doing things in December that push you in a direction you want for the new year.  I use to be the person that would coast through December and say oh when January comes I'm going to do...  Don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with that, I just think there is a stronger more efficient way to do the things.  Success in any area loves momentum, so by doing activities or steps now jump starts your momentum for the coming year.

So you're probably thinking, what things?  Well this depends on you, what are you working towards, do you have goals for the future, a direction you want to head, a project you want to do?  Us Mom's have the world at our fingertips, we are all masters at something, even if you can't see it through the fog.  So maybe that is your first step,  to start figuring out what is truly calling you, setting up specific time to make a plan for your future and what you want.  I have always been that person that looks for opportunity in everything, even the smallest passions, I alway knew I didn't want to end up doing something that I didn't like I want to do something unique and interesting, on my own time.  Maybe you aren't ready for that kind of focus, maybe you looking for something more in the areas of health, hobbies, personal development, there are many areas that make up a happy mom, so pick one and get started before January.  

We as moms need to be filling our cups, I talk about it all the time, how can we happily and excitedly give to our families if we aren't taking care of US.  If we don't have excitement and passion in our own life around things outside of our families it's going to be very hard to withstand the challenges of mom hood when times get tough.  If we have that core foundation of passions, creative escapes, things we can dive into to build our confidence, we then have tools to help us cope properly when life hits us.

If this isn't a spot you are currently in, and you are thinking I don't even know where to start, pop over to my FB Group Happy & Thriving Moms  this is a great starting point, you will find a group of like minded women.  It's also the home of the 5am Club, that is where I have changed my life, it's a dedicated time in my day that I only focus on me and where I want to be in my life and the passions that fuel my excitement.  We as moms are still able to make our wildest dreams come true, it's just about knowing how to get started.

xx Ebony


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