Pretty intense statement hey?  But seriously that is exactly what it has done for me and so many people around me.  It almost feels like yesterday that I was that mom of 2 wanting desperately to rid my home of all the toxic products I had bought into for so many years.  

I was always looking for the most delicious scent, the newest product on the shelf, seeing commercials and adding things to the grocery list.  Until the day came I was getting headaches fr0m all the chemicals I was using while I cleaned,  experiencing a pretty serious topical reaction on my youngest skin after I put her clothes accidentally in with my husbands laundry.   I remember the day so clear,  I had used a new scented laundry sheet for my husbands work laundry, it was the newest wave laundry technology lol, all in one, laundry soap, fabric softer and dryer sheet.. It was a topical reaction waiting to happen, my daughter woke up from a nap and I went to change her and saw the massive welts all over her lower legs, I was terrified and had no clue what had happened until later in the day when I went down the list of possibilities.

This was the day I decided to rid my house of everything nasty and go to the extremes of vinegar and baking soda for cleaning and went on a search for the most natural laundry soap I could find.  This went ok for a few months but it was terribly boring and I did crave some sort of scent,  I just didn't know how to achieve it naturally.  Then a friend said why don't your try Thieves,  I had no previous knowledge of this magical word but it didn't take long to figure out it truly was the answer to all my problems.

A super concentrated plant based cleaner that I could dilute in a spray bottle and use on everything, YES PLEASE!    I always joke with folks that Thieves is the answer to all their problems, they just may not know it yet lol.  I really clean everything with it, counters, floors, glass, bathrooms, windows, walls, inside and out of cars/trucks, chicken coops, added it to my pressure washer for my deck, gosh I'm sure there is more!  Knowing you are using one less toxic product for your home is a huge piece of mind, now days there are many toxic things we can't avoid so creating a home that is free from as many harsh toxic chemicals as possible is a huge goal of mine for the health of my family and myself.  I also love it stream lines the junk I have under my sinks.  Literally one bottle of cleaner and the rest of the space is up for grabs! Ha! it really was a shock but I quickly filled up that space with stuff.

Thieves Cleaner for the WIN.


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