Hobbies are something I encourage all women to have, especially moms!  We are pulled in so many directions in a day, we need to have something we can reach for that is ours and truly gets us excited, inspired and gives us pure happiness.  I have so many hobbies but they do rotate with the seasons.  Some hobbies just don't work in the winter as some don't work in the summer, so having a list of things you love to do, create, partake in gives you year round fun and in my opinion, therapy.  

Hobbies can run very deep in what they do for you, so choosing one that ticks a lot of boxes is important.  

Here you thought it was just about doing something fun on a Sunday afternoon durning nap time, HA!  The right hobbies go way further than that.  Here are some things to think about when you start to look for a hobby.

1. Are you ok with going off your property or are you looking for something you can do at home?
2. Are you looking to include physical movement and in this hobby?
3. Do you prefer a group hobby or a solo one?
4. Are you willing to take a class or are you a trial and error kind of person?
5. Are you willing to invest some money into this hobby?
6. Does it have to be a night time thing or can you free yourself up durning the day to do it?
7.  Will you need a babysitter?
8.  Animals or no animals?
9.  Are you able to do it even with the kids around?
10.  Is it a hobby that is limited to the weather?
11.  What would be my excitement level if I mastered this hobby?

Just a few things to think about when you start looking for something that grabs your attention in the hobby department.  I'm someone that  has a pretty secure list of must haves when it comes to hobbies, I want to be able to do it at home, no babysitter and it needs to have some degree of physical activity, I love a good outside workout that makes me sweat and also gets things done and I like to do things by myself on my own schedule.  

So what do I mean by a hobby can go so deep for you, well, it has been my experience that a hobby is more than just creativity, it is more than just making something fun, or setting time aside to do something for yourself.  If you find the right hobby you will experience a passion inside that you may have not felt before.  You will dive into it and forget the days worries, be able to separate yourself from your struggles, sadness or even anger for the time you are doing that hobby.  Hobbies can help you think through tough problems in life, give you time for reflection, help you work through anxious moments, even help you move through being stuck in life.  They can give you confidence from excelling at them, they can help calm your mind, it truly can be an escape to let your brain recharge.  I'm sure I could keep going with all the things my hobbies supply for me.  You may have herd me say before gardening is my therapy, and I say that with all seriousness.  It is the activity I can do not only when I'm happy, but also when I'm sad, frustrated, hopeless, fearful, stuck or even angry and I come out of it in a totally new spot than when I started.

If you don't have a hobby I encourage you to find one.  I also encourage you to find one that not only sparks your interest emotionally or creativily but one that also combines fresh air or some sort of physical movement.  I have found these types of hobbies to be the most powerful type, the ones you will get the most out of and be able to pull from the most, when you are in a spot you aren't happy with.  I believe the power of mental gratification combined with the outside fresh air is a winning combo to help us with our struggles.

If you haven't already, pop on over to my Facebook Group Happy & Thriving Moms and see what hobby hits all the boxes for me, especially the physical activity box when you get dumped on by a weekend winter storm.



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