I don't know about you, but those days leading up to spring really put a pep in my step.  Those days that the sun is shining and you can start to feel the warmth again, those longer days, those mornings that the sky is brighter before the kids wake up, the birds, the spring smells, all of it!

Every year about this time I get a renewed sense of motivation, energy, a fresh excitement.  I know myself enough now that I need to be carful, I am prone to excitement overload where I can easily go in 5 directions but not get one project done, the struggle is real lol.  So I need to be mindful of making lists of my to do's, what I need and want to get done, or I can find myself just wondering a greenhouse lost in my head.  It's actually quite funny, I always joke about the local greenhouses being my therapy sessions because it does wonders for me when I make a visit.  We literally have one that opened this week on reduced hours and it requires you to make an appointment, so I made one, which makes it seem like even more of a therapy session! Im so darn excited HA!

I'm a firm believer of looking at goals often and pivoting where you need to, gardening is no different, each year I learn from the last, expand on some areas and pull back in others. Each season I go through massive changes in my routines and my activities.  Spring is a huge season where I implement a whole new time consuming venture of gardening, tending, and growing.  I missed a goal last year I had of making salsa from my garden, my drive and determination is much more this year and I know where I want wrong, I'm rolling it over to my goal list yet again.  I can easily get lost in gardening and forget all my other life goals, remember it is my therapy, my happy place so it's so easy for me to let my troubles loose in the garden.  I've started to already be conscious of the things I will want to do in the garden this year, knowing they will take time and consistency along side all my other life duties I must continue,  I don't want to drop the ball on my other important daily activities, so I'm going to work hard to balance it all out, so I can feel the rewards through all areas of my life.

If you have been dreaming of some exciting gardening ideas for this spring and you want to seamlessly add them into the everyday hustle of life consider these 3 things to make it a more enjoyable productive experience.
1. Plan it out, don't wait till the day of your gardening extravaganza to figure it out, start planning for it days even weeks ahead of time.
2. Cook extra the day before or utilize a freezer meal you tucked away, this way you have that much more time to do the thing, without worrying about stopping to make supper and the stresses that can add.
3.  Find a way to include the kids or at least entertain them in the area you are working. it's amazing what good manual labourers kids are when it comes to picking rocks, pushing wheelbarrows and moving things.  Just remember to make it fun.

If this sounds like you, pop over to my FB Group where we chat all the things that help us women stay true to ourselves and rock mom life.

Happy Gardening and Goal Setting.


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