Bibs vs Scarfs
Ok moms, as a special needs mom many of us are in the same boat that our children who are older still drool a lot.  It's just part of having a special needs child.  This doesn't make it any easier for our heart or mind.  I very lucky to have this lovely support lady in my life named Debra.  I first met her when Marley was around a year old and she was my early intervention worker.  Since then she has become a school support and dear friend.  
Once Marley started school she really was a huge help at getting the children at school to look at Marley as a peer not a baby.  Marley is non verbal in a wheelchair and very small, so naturally the children innocently referred to her as a baby.  Debra was on that and I appreciate her to this day for the insight and skills she has with children.  Marley drools so we have always wore bibs on her, I didn't think anything of calling it a bib but Debra brought up, we need to call it a scarf,  it had never crossed my mind but YES brilliant.  It adds that layer of normal, people of all ages wear scarfs so it helps you separate from baby to child.  
I'm not sure about you but online shopping as a mom of 3 in general, but as a mom of a special need child is the bomb.  So I'm so grateful we live in a time that there are so many choices for things for children.  For years Marley has been rocking these bibs and I just love the patterns and colors that are available.  Every school year and holiday when kids are getting cool new toys Marley is getting her stylish new SCARFS lol.  You can grab yours HERE


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