Not only is being a mom down right hard, it can have you second guessing yourself all the time.  We are in unknown territory, we've never done this before, there's definitely no manual.  Do you find yourself doubting and second guessing yourself all the time?  If it's a yes, this can cause so much unwanted stress in your life, leading to sadness, lower confidence, conflict within relationships, seclusion, and so much more.

So why do we second guess ourselves so much?  A lot of times this is something that is developed early on.  You probably struggled with lower confidence before babe came along, if you think back to earlier years I'm sure some memories of times where you were unsure if you made the right choice took over a situation.  Second guessing and doubting yourself are forms of insecurity that many people experience when thinking about the situation they are in and have they made the right decisions, you aren't completely trusting in yourself, you are unsure you have the right info to make the right choice.  Do know you are not along, this is so common, and there are ways to overcome it!
It's harder to learn some skills later on, not impossible but harder, this is why it's so important to teach our kids these foundation skills growing up, cooking, organization, communication, cleaning, self care, self love, how to prioritize, my goodness my list could go on, my point being if you are struggling with these things it's time to gain the skills you feel you are lacking to be able to model and teach your children so they don't end up struggling in the areas you do.

I belong to a few mom groups and second guessing and self doubt pops up everywhere, so many questions are asked each day around simple everyday things that moms are worried and unsure of.  For many these questions seems so simple but for self doubting, second guessing moms they are huge, and often crippling.  Building confidence, working on yourself is so worth it, pushing through the hard things that sometimes seem impossible but once done really aren't that hard are huge boosts of confidence, but doing that along is sure to be near impossible.  That's where I knew I needed to create a space to nature those struggles, help women succeed in those everyday things we all want to be able to do with confidence and courage.  A place we can cheer each other on but also voice our struggles and look for solutions.  If this sounds like a place you want to be pop over to my FB GROUP  (Happy & Thriving Moms - Stay At Home Moms Crushing Life's Doubts)

Can't wait to cheer you on!



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