Real Food Blends, Tube Life

When I first herd g-tube, I defiantly was like OMG.  It didn't take long for me to put my hesitations to the side, pretty quickly we started to see such improvement in my daughters appearance and health, looking back I realized she was starving slowly.  Im pretty sure just like everyone else we started on a formula that we ran through the pump.  I did that for a few months then it clicked, I was like what am I doing?  This little girl is over 1 she should be eating food by now.  She was not my first daughter so I thought back to when my first daughter was little and I clearly remember all the steps of introducing foods, I use to make my own purees for her, freeze them in ice cube trays, it was an amazing gratifying experience.  So what the heck was I doing pushing formula through a pump, this can't be the only way.

It really was a moment where the light switch flicked on.  Doctors don't really tell you all the options there are, they just set you up with what they know or what the hospital considers the go to way.  It truly is up to us to either ask questions, do research, or just do what you know is right.  I'm more of the type to do research and then jump in with 2 feet.  So first thing I did was ditch the pump, why do I need a pump and extra piece of mechanics to do the same thing I can do with a 60ml syringe, not to mention it is much less cleanup.  Next I got myself a good blender, I chose a blendtec, by far the best investment to date.  I use it for more than just her blends, soups, smoothies, sauces, the margaritas, and so much more, you will not regret it, you can grab it here.

I started to make simple real food blends that had babies first foods in them, so toast, basic fruits, simple proteins and fed that the first week to make sure I avoided things that could be allergens or hard on the belly, I slowly introduced possible allergy foods and fed them one at time in the blend for about a week to make sure no allergies were present.  Very quickly once I noticed that all was good I just started blending it all, I learnt a few tricks along the way.  You need to add foods with extra calories because you are thinning the food you blend down to be able to go through the tube, so things like gravies, pan drippings, peanut butter, jams, healthy oils like liquid coconut oil, condiments like mayo these all add some extra calories so I make sure I toss a few tablespoons in my blends each blend.  Avocado is packed full of healthy calories and fats but it doesn't take much to increase the thickness of the blend to pudding, so I prefer to use avocado oil instead, there are so many great quality protein powders out there, utilize them they can really help make a hardy blend full of goodness, I'm a huge believer in supplements so I give probiotics through the tube, I have a juice that is full of antioxidants that helps to support her immune system, you can do all the things you would regularly do, just via tube.  There are so many things you will learn and it's fun!  It's so rewarding knowing you are feeding your medically challenged child real food to nourish their struggling bodies.  It puts some normal back in your life when they can enjoy the same things we do at suppertime,  I love blending a big jug of turkey dinner with all the fixings, cranberry sauce and gravy included.

I'm a firm believer that food is life.  We nourish our bodies with what we feed it, we have colourful diets for a reason, we need to eat the rainbow to get all those nutrients, that we need to live and heal, and this shouldn't change because we have feeding tubes.  I often ask people who are on the fence, how do you think you would feel if you ONLY, everyday, every meal, drank a white drink that had ALOT of sugar in it?  Might you feel bloated? Heavy? lack of energy? brain fog? lack of concentration?  I'm pretty sure non of us would ever consider only doing that, so why are we choosing for our loved ones to do that?  It can't be the only choice and it shouldn't be.  Humans are meant to eat real food. If you want to have more support pop on over to my Facebook Group, I love to teach on the importance of supplements, real food, recipes, the importance of water, all the things to help keep a happy healthy life.


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