Overthinking! Yup that's me.  In almost all my adventures, projects, commitments I find myself overthinking, which always leads to me getting it done at the last minute.  So what is it, well did you know that in many cases overthinking is caused by a single emotion?  ahhhh what?  Really?  Tell me!


I can see this, my hesitations are usually fear based, I second guess myself, sometimes jump to worse case scenarios, all the things.
Then I came across this and it blew my MIND.

Fear & Excitement are the exact same feeling.  Mind Blown!  Yes!  If you sit down and think of a specific scenario of when you totally overthought a task and can feel the feeling of fear in that task, then you think of when you did it and how glad you were to do it, the excitement that came along with it,  it feels the same!!! The thought are different but the feelings are the same.

This right here is life changing for me.  I have steps I put in place to help me push past the overthinking:
1. Write all the steps I need to take on paper, it's my road map so I don't get overwhelmed and feed the overthinking (fear)
2. Set a hard deadline so I come to a point I can't put it off any longer
3. Get outside fresh air time right before I hit task, it clears my mind and gets me out of my head, I hold myself to when I'm done at a certain time outside, I do it!  Gardening is my therapy so that's the outside task I usually pull my mind and emotion clearing from.
4.  Oil up, if you know me I do a lot of work with essential oils, I have a saying whatever your problem, I have an oil for that! hahaha.  In all seriousness essential oils are amazing for emotional support, relaxation, grounding, all the things over thinkers suffer from.

Now along with my steps and the conscious knowledge of the Fear and Emotion feeling I see myself totally overcoming my regular overthinking, it is defiantly a massive personal growth goal.  I know it has led me to missed opportunities, idea paralysis, stress, and professional delays.  

We all have room for growth in our lives, it's important to identify those areas but don't criticize yourself, just get the tools you need to work on it and be darn proud of yourself for doing so.  There are so many people out there that aren't open to Mindset and personal development growth, in my opinion actions in these areas of your life will set you apart from the crowd.

Cheers & I vote your victory in it all!


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