Have you herd of the 5am club?  I've been part of it for years.  I was struggling finding time for myself, my kids went to bed early but I was tired, and struggled with if I did stay up at night, I paid for it in the morning.  Yes I enjoyed myself at night but my body was tired and I found myself doing chores around the house not doing stuff that challenged my brain and made me excited and inspired.

Im writing you currently at 5:15am with a hot coffee on my desk and pure quiet in my home, my husband is at work and the 3 kids are sleeping.  I'm truly enjoying my time.  Did you know you are most creative in the early hours, it's a time our frontal cortex is most active allowing our creativity to flow.  Now don't get me wrong it took me awhile of building this 5am routine to be able to get my feet on the floor and be ready to rock and roll, but just like any routine your mind and body adjust and you get better and better.

I constantly hear moms talking about wanting to achieve balance in their lives, so many struggle with finding time for themselves, and they express how lost and unfulfilled their lives seem, always catering to everyone else and forgetting about themselves.  It breaks my heart honestly, because I can feel that, I was there once.  That's when I started getting up in the 5am hour, it was out of wanting to change how I took care of myself, it was a mindset shift, necessity, and knowing if I didn't do me first I wasn't ready to do anyone else.  I wanted to be happy to see everyone get up and happy to take care of them all day without the lingering thought in my brain, when is it my turn.  So now my turn is at the beginning of the day,  i''m worth putting first,  I deserve to take care of me first, I know I will be taking care of everyone else all day long.  What a great feeling it is knowing that i'm waking up each day to do something I'm excited about.  This time can truly be the foundation for balance in your life, such a huge part of balance is taking care of yourself so you have the energy both physically and mentally to make all the other pieces fall into place.

That's where my 5am club fell into place, constantly seeing moms searching for balance, wanting to have time for themselves, struggling.  I wanted to help them, I knew this was what was going to help them, but I also knew with no support they may not truly see the potential and the gravity on how this could change their lives.  This is where the 5AM CLUB was born.

I want every mom to feel like they are worth putting first, I'm so over hearing about moms who put everyone before themselves.  We have one life,  to be able to give our best we have to be at our best and that only happens when our needs are met, we feel fulfilled.   If you are ready to change how you approach your life and to start finding your balance pop over to the 5AM CLUB you will find it in the units section of my GROUP.  Let's change how moms are taking care of themselves in a big way!


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