Being stuck is plain old crappy any way you slice it.  It can't just be me but it seems i'm always battling it somewhere, creatively, personal, work, finding the time I need to do some project I want to.  It happens to all of us, and in different levels and degrees.  I remember years ago I was stuck in life in general, I was a fresh special needs mom, 2 kids, husband that works away a lot, and isn't very helpful when he is home, so I found myself stuck in life, in the way I didn't know where I wanted it to go or even how to figure that out.

I don't feel like that anymore, I worked on my mindset and implemented some routines into my life that have really helped me get out of that massive funk of stuck.  It wasn't easy and I still have my moments of being stuck but they don't last weeks or months, they last days and I'm able to pull myself out.

I find myself now days hearing so many stories of women stuck in life and not sure where to go or even how to figure it out, and I feel it, I feel it deep because that was me and I remember how discouraging, terrible and sad it made me feel.  So I gravitate towards these women looking for a way to help them push through and find that excitement, and vision they crave.  Sometimes it's so clear from the outside, but for some reason we as humans sometimes over look the simplest answers, it happens all the time.  

I truly am put here to help others and I get excitement out of helping women reach and see dreams, entrepreneurial stuff and empowering them in their lives.  So this path has led me to creating an online course for women who are legit stuck, to help them get back on track and in a spot they can start to really getting those dreams in view and feel empowered in their every day lives as moms.  Get them back on track and excited for everyday, tending to their needs as women and rocking life in their homes as well.  

If you are feeling stuck pop over to my FB Group Happy & Thriving Moms,  lots of great stuff happens there and check out my online course:

We aren't put here to survive we are meant to thrive in our lives, it's time we stop putting ourselves last and really start to take care of our needs so we can be our best version for our families.


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