We've made it to 2021, it almost doesn't seem possible.  What at times felt like the longest year, when I reflect it truly went by so fast.  I encourage you to sit and reflect about your year, even if you weren't happy with it, reflect, savour the good moments, asses the bad and see where you need to shift.  We need to both be grateful and see where we need to improve in our lives to insure this new year is more of what we desire.

Are you someone that makes New Year goals?  resolutions?  intentions?  I was never much into it, I always found I did them half heartedly, I wasn't really even sure what I really wanted to accomplish.  With age and a stronger drive and intention to make my life exactly what I want I've decided this year I'm going to make some clear, specific goals.   I'm creeping up on 40, and I don't want to hit 40 and feel I'm not certain in my life and have missed out on getting it all together.  So no time like now to kick it into high gear right? lol

Business wise I've always knew I wanted to have my own business, work from home and run the show.  That has been clear since I was young.  My parents had their own business, I grew up having them both around most the time, we never had to just do things on weekends, it was a pretty flexible schedule, so I have fond memories of that and knew I wanted that when I was an adult.  I've searched and tried for years to find my way in my career, raising 3 kids, one who is special needs, a husband who is on the ocean for sea a lot, it hasn't been easy, a lot of dead ends but finally I am in a spot that I am clear in what I will be doing to create that entrepreneurial life I have always wanted. Now to really apply my skills, be dedicated to what needs to be done, and to help other moms find their way in their journey to working form home, so they don't take as many wrong turns as me!  Life really is about using the skills you have to help others reach what they may not know how to get.  Service will be huge this year, and that excited me.

My personal life I feel is just starting to get to a spot where I can breath again, the kids are big enough I can carve out a social life again, enjoy some hobbies in more frequency, have a little more time to do things for myself,  it's pretty exciting.  I'm creative at heart so I enjoy making, building, and creating things, both in nature and within my home so I'm very excited for the coming year to indulge more in things that make me happy, maybe even sell some of the things I love to create, there's no way I can keep it all lol

My health, I feel I live a pretty balanced life, we eat well, we live a healthy lifestyle, i've worked hard over the years raising kids to also not forget about myself and how I need to take my supplements and make sure I eat and treat my body well so I don't end up sick and not able to care for everyone, that's the last thing I want.  There has been one area I have put off and Ive decided I'm not doing it anymore, EXERCISE.  I have never incorporated exercise into my life, and now with some family history of heart attack, my age, and this new stage I'm not putting it off anymore, I have made the commitment that this is a top priority, phew, there I said it.  It's happening and I'm excited, my goal is to become a successful runner by the spring, so I will start off getting my body ready for this over the winter and when spring comes i'll be ready to hit the ground running, HA! legit lol

So there it is folks!  My plans for 2021, i'm excited, I feel confident and I encourage you to really figure out what you need to do to get where you want to be, if working at home and still raising the kids is on your list pop over to my FB GROUP where I can help you with some of the hard things that creep up, heck if you just don't know where to start my group is a great place to start.  

HAPPY 2021



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