It seems I am always making time for things that spark my excitement, passions and are just darn important to me, and you know what I'm so much happier because of it!  For many years I just tried to fit things in here and there when I got a minute and I found myself always looking ahead hoping for the day to end so I could have a couple minutes to do something for myself.  Not a great way to savour the years, be content or be truly happy.  Life goes fast enough I realized I didn't need to start wishing the days away or depriving myself of the things I wanted to do.

I've also gotten better at scheduling all the things in, literally writing them down in my agenda so I have a reminder and list to keep me on track.  I've found a little more joy in exercise,  I'm working on it, the creative things I want to do are easy for me to make time for, the exercise just had to be put in there, heck because I want to live a long healthy life.  

Projects can drag on through the days if you don't approach them in 2 parts,  part one is the planning stage, this can make or break how efficient you are in the time it takes to do the project, I've mastered this over the years, I use my 5am hour that I have peace and quiet to design, plan, research whatever the project requires, this cuts so much time off the actual doing of the project.  It allows me to just start the actual project when the time comes, no walking in circles, thinking about it, just bam, hitting the ground running.

Gawd I love my 5am hour that I get that peace and quiet before the kids wake up, it's such a mentally recharging time for me.  I can prepare my brain for the marathon of the day, I can exercise my brain with creativity such as project prep if I choose, sometimes I socially fulfill myself with an early morning chat,  the common thing is, it's only things that recharge my soul.  There is no better way to start the day off with the right vibe than fulfilling your needs, as I like to always say, filling your cup first!

If you haven't tried waking up before the kids pop over to my group Happy & Thriving Moms where we chat everything 5am Club, there is even a 5am Club challenge under the Guides section to get you started on your journey of getting up before the kids! 

I encourage you to start planning your time for yourself don't just leave it up to luck or chance that it just happens, you deserve to spend time on yourself every darn day.



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