I've been indulging in morning ME TIME for years.  It some what happened organically, my kids were always early risers we got use to getting up with the sun.  As time went on they slept longer in the mornings, but there were no longer nap times when I got to recharge my batteries, get things done for myself, the days were definitely more demanding.  

I was counting down the minutes till bedtime once supper came,  just so I had my time at night, this was equally exhausting, and I wasn't very productive.  That's when it clicked, I need to start getting up at my old time and start tending to the things I enjoy that require no kids.  I feel this is where the joke of Ebony and the 5am Club started.  I encouraged girlfriends to do it, we would phone chat uninterrupted at 5am, it was amazing, to sip coffee, catch up, motivate each other in our days,  we all felt the shift.

I have 3 big reasons for you to start your day before the kids

It Sets The Tone For The Day -  There is nothing better waking up in your own thoughts and needs in quiet.  No one instantly demanding from you, no one to tend to right away but yourself.  Catching your breathe, feeding your belly, feeding your mind uninterrupted, drinking HOT fresh coffee!  This can truly change how you see a day regardless what crazy things come your way.  I treat it as recharging my batteries.  

Sets Your Priorities -  once you are good,  it is so much easier to get your priorities straight.  If you wake up behind the eight ball you are playing catch up all day and can end up walking in circles, not being focused, feeling burnt out before you start.  Having taken care of your wants and needs leaves so much opportunity to be the mom and women you want to be for everyone else.

Changes Your Mindset - This is hands down the biggest shift that will ever happen as a mom.  Putting yourself first, no guilt attached.  There is something in the mom culture that breeds this idea of we put our kids first over our own needs and that is what good moms do.  Ummmm well...

I'm not sure how to gracefully go there lol  I don't think you ALWAYS have to put your kids needs first over yours, I'm the mom who will eat dinner first while it's hot, and its quiet before I call everyone in from playing outside for dinner.  I'm a better mom when my needs are met,  I get hangry easily, my patience is thin and frankly I can be a bitch when I don't take care of myself, no one wins on those days, so I don't let those days happen!

This truly will be the start of changing your mindset and what you as a mom deserve.  You are the most important person in your life, if you aren't good, how can you give everyone else the best of you, it's not a sustainable plan.  So stop feeling guilty and take care of yourself.  
5am Club is the first step in doing it guilt free!  

I see so many moms wishing they had time to do things they love, putting their needs on the back burner, it makes me want to shout from the roof top.  This is where Happy & Thriving Moms was born, to encourage moms to do the things, support each other and stop depriving themselves of what they need.  5am Club lives within this group because it is such an important piece to my success of how I approach the days and life.  If you need help pop on over to my group and check out the guides section on how to start your journey to getting up before the kids - Happy & Thriving Moms - Home of the 5am Club


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