I could talk about the 5am Club all darn day, wait I probably do on some days lol.  Why is that? because it is such a crucial part of my day, my happiness, my fulfillment and I want that for all the women who struggle with not having enough time for themselves.  

I started indulging in the 5am Club quite a few years ago, at first it wasn't a choice, it was merely a part of the life of having small kids.  Then as they grew and started to sleep a little longer I realized I was truly missing out on such a gem of an opportunity.  A time I could get up before the kids, be with myself and my thoughts and mentally prepare for the day, and drink hot coffee in peace lol.  So I started adjusting my schedule at night and going to bed earlier and getting up in the 5am hour.   I honestly can't imagine not doing it any more, it is that important in my life.

So much creativity, planning, day dreaming, goal setting, and joy happens for me in the 5am hour, it's insane.  It's spring as I write this and I'm a huge gardening fan,  I call it my therapy.  The last many weeks my 5am Club hour has revolved around planning gardens, researching, dreaming about projects and figuring out how I'm going to get them done.  So much headway happens when you aren't interrupted,  it's such a fantastic time to really dive into something you want to get done, the distractions are limited at that hour.

It can be daunting thinking about getting up early, how am I going to do that, I'll be to tired,  I hear all of this often when I speak about the 5am Club, I get it, but don't knock it till you truly give it a run, you may find it's exactly what your soul needs.  I love helping people discover the 5am Club and thrive, that's  why I created the 5am Club Guide, in my Happy & Thriving Moms Group  I want every mom to start the day excited and fulfilled.  Our jobs are never ending and it's time to start putting ourselves first and filling our cups so we in turn can fill others.  

If you need help flipping your day around and rocking the 5am Club pop on over to the Happy & Thriving Moms Group great things happen here!



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