Do you find yourself making excuses for certain things and why you will do it later or the time isn't right at this moment.  I did this for a long time with setting time aside for myself and also for not pushing myself and just creating the career life I wanted.  I would tell myself, the kids are going to be older soon, things will get easier time freedom wise, i'll do that thing for myself when they all start school.  Why do we do this, why do we always put ourselves last.  Truth is, it doesn't get easier nor should we be waiting, the time is never right we just make the decision to make the time right and put our needs and wants as a priority.  

If we are putting important things on the back burner it's time to dig a little deeper and find the true reasons we are doing this.  
Fear is a huge player in this, we may have a fear at failing at the task or job
Being Comfortable it's how we feel about our life, it can really affect our motivation to jump into the things that will make our dreams happen.  You may be in a spot where you are comfortable but not coming closer to your dreams, your not in a spot where you are in that much pain that you must make the steps to get to a new spot of desire.  It's time to asses and figure out if you will really settle for mediocre for your life story.
Distractions are a huge rd block, they cloud our visions, when we have to much going on we get caught up sometimes in survival mode and forget what our real passions, dreams, and intentions for our life was.  Eliminating unnecessary distractions and simplifying your life can make everything clear again.
Excuses are a given, we all have excuses, but being conscious about our inner talk is key.  For every one reason you should do something there will always be 2 telling you not to.  Belonging to a group for accountably or having someone along side of you doing the same path is a great way to push those excuses out and not let them creep in and paralyze our progress.
Uncertainty can put a halt to everything great, you need a clear picture of where you are going, what your dreams are, the things that need to happen to get you there.  Making a voyage without a map boils down to luck, this is life, if you leave it up to luck you may be greatly disappointed.  This is where mapping out a plan will pay off, figuring out where you want to be and how you are going to get there isn't as hard as you think,  it actually is pretty exciting to get excited about the things you are going to do to get you to your goal.

All these things held me back at different times in my life, and that's ok.  What makes me not worry about all the time I wasted getting hung up on them is the fact I made a choice to push through.  Recognize I needed direction, found it and put the things in place I needed to  rock life.  Being a stay at home mom is a full time job, it leaves little time to even realize that these things may be impacting your greatness. Setting time aside to self asses, breathe, be with your thoughts is so important.  Us moms are known for putting ourselves last and that doesn't show our kids how to live.  So stop with the negative talk and start getting your dreams in line.  If you want to hang out with other moms who want to do that exact thing and moms who are, pop over to my FB GROUP (Happy & Thriving Moms)  it's a place we learn how to move forward, push past the doubts and carve out the life we always wanted.  

It's never to late to start working towards your dreams.



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